Bad Ubication

The bad location is an important factor since people do not locate a public place and this causes that it is not visited and that place is abandoned and this gives occasion to the gangs to seize that place and when it gets to visit the people will give it a fear and therefore decrease visits to public places, sometimes children want to enjoy these places that sometimes have games to enjoy but the band is a great impediment and then there are no visitors and they get bad reputation and the whole city Looks at such a place as something harmful and is another great factor that causes visitors to decrease

the bands take these abandoned places as the center of clandestine fights and have occurred events that mark the places such as deaths, centers of drug sales and graffiti. names of cholos, an example would be the colony ¨ las mañanitas¨, has a bad reputation and is very bad seen before the people of the mochis, another factor is that it is very badly located to the colony and this is another characteristic that gives rise to the bad location and its factors of visits to the aforementioned

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